Company confidential. Murillo/Ravillo User’s Guide. Final Freeze Status: Frozen
This is the cyan on page 9-13 (seq: 175)
This is the black on page 9-13 (seq: 175)
If the Entire Plot Is in One Quadrant of the Correct Plotting
Is the page size configured in the software too small?
Are you sure that your software does not believe the drawing to be in one
quadrant of the page?
Otherwise, this indicates an incompatibility between the software and the plotter:
Is your software configured for this plotter? For general advice, see page 1-35.
For advice specific to your software, see either the documentation supplied with
the driver or any Software Application Notes supplied with your plotter.
If you still have not found the solution, try changing the plotter’s
setting on the front panel (Device setup / Lang).
If the Plot Is Unexpectedly Rotated
Check the front-panel Page format / Rotate setting. See page 4-7.
Queueing and Nesting are both ON, plots may be automatically rotated to
save media. See page 6-11.
If the Plot Is a Mirror Image of Your Drawing
Check the front-panel Page format / Mirror setting.
If the Plot Is Inaccurate
If you notice problems with accuracy, print the Service Config plot, as
explained on page 7-5, to see if the plotter needs to be recalibrated.
This is the magenta on page 9-13 (seq: 175)
Solving Problems with Plot Position or Content