Create a custom printing quick set
1. Open the printer driver, and then click the Properties or Preferences button. The Print Tasks
Quick Sets drop-down list appears on all tabs except the Services tab.
2. Select an existing quick set as a base.
3. Select the print options for the new quick set.
4. Click Save As, type a name for the quick set, and then click OK.
Improve print quality with Windows
Select a page size
1. Open the printer driver, click the Properties or Preferences button, and then click the Paper/
Quality tab.
2. Select a size from the Size is drop-down list.
3. Click the OK button.
Select a custom page size
1. Open the printer driver, and then click the Paper/Quality tab.
2. Click the Custom button. The Custom Paper Size dialog box opens.
3. Type a name for the custom size, specify the dimensions, and then click Save.
4. Click the Close button, and then click the OK button.
Select a paper type
1. Open the printer driver, click the Properties or Preferences button, and then click the Paper/
Quality tab.
2. Select a type from the Type is drop-down list.
3. Click the OK button.
Select the print resolution
1. Open the printer driver, click the Properties or Preferences button, and then click the Paper/
Quality tab.
2. In the Print Quality area, select an option from the drop-down list. See the printer-driver online
Help for information about each of the available options.
NOTE: To use a draft-quality resolution, in the Print Quality area, click the EconoMode check
3. Click the OK button.
40 Chapter 6 Print tasks ENWW