HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP FAX-750 Fax Machine User Manual

Problem Resolution 5Ć15
Table 5-1. Information Codes on the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750 (Continued)
Mode Description of the Problem Action
542 Tx
After sending partial page signal other
than PPS.EOP, failed 4 reĆtries, then transĆ
mitted the EOR command indicating
completion or correction. Received ERR
response from the remote party, but disĆ
continued message transmission
Retry fax send
543 Tx
After sending partial page signal other
then PPS.EOP, failed 4 reĆtries, then transĆ
mitted the EOR command indicating
completion or correction and received
ERR response from the remote party
Retry fax send
544 Tx
No response from the remote party to the
PPSĆO signal
Retry fax send
545 Not used
546 Not used
547 Not used
548 Tx
Received DCN command while in the subĆ
routine to receive a response following
PPS NULL/MPS/EOP/EOM transmission
Retry fax send
549 Tx
Frame error occurred ("T6" timeout) while
in the subroutine to receive a response
following PPS NULL/MPS/EOP/EOM transĆ
Retry fax send
550 Tx
FCS error occurred while in the subroutine
to receive a response following PPS
NULL/MPS/EOP/EOM transmission
Retry fax send
551 Tx
Carrier did not go away for T6" time after
reception of RCP while in the subroutine
to receive a response following PPS
NULL/MPS/EOP/EOM transmission
Retry fax send
552 Tx
Received DCN command while in the subĆ
routine to receive a CTC response
Retry fax send
553 Tx
Frame error due to T6" timeout while in
the subroutine to receive a CTC response
Retry fax send
554 Tx
FCS error while in the subroutine to reĆ
ceive a CTC response
Retry fax send
555 Tx
Carrier did not go away for T6" time after
reception of RCP while in the subroutine
to receive a CTC response
Retry fax send
556 Tx
Received DCN command while in the subĆ
routine to receive an RR response
Retry fax send
557 Tx
Frame error due to T6" timeout while in
the subroutine to receive an RR response
Retry fax send