HP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide 2
Book Contents Index
Welcome to scanning
with HP PrecisionScan Pro and your
HP ScanJet scanner
The scanning software and your HP ScanJet
scanner let you quickly create excellent electronic
images from pictures and convert text on paper
into editable text.
Some of the features of the scanning software are:
Click to select an image in the preview
Automatic sensing of output type
Automatic sensing of optimal exposure, color,
black and white threshold, sharpen level, and
resolution for images of pictures
Drag-and-drop the image to another program or
to the desktop
Scale and size the image prior to exporting it to
a program or a file
Return to the preview image without rescanning
Tools for adjusting exposure, color, black and
white threshold, sharpen level, and resolution
Save and re-use scanning settings
Use HP PrecisionScan Pro scanning software and
your HP ScanJet scanner on a local area