HP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide 64
Scanning pictures Book Contents Index
Suggestions for choosing output type
Type of original
Output Type
Black and white
Black and white
True Color
millions of colors (24-bit color)
best color image for printing one-color tint image for printing
8-bit (256 shades of gray)
grayscale image for printing or displaying on a monitor
Black & White
1-bit black
and white
(only black
and white)
Bitmap (raster)
black and white raster image for printing or displaying on a monitor;
not appropriate for resizing in another program
Scalable (vector)
scalable black and white vector image for resizing in another program
256 Color
8-bit color
(256 shades
of color)
Web Palette
best color for displaying images
on a Web page
one-color tint image for displaying
on a Web page
System Palette
best color for displaying
wallpaper, multiple images, or a
presentation on a monitor
one-color tint image for displaying
a presentation on a monitor
Optimized Palette
best for selecting the colors
closest to those in the image