Honeywell MS2430 Barcode Reader User Manual

Bar Code Calibration Procedure without Remote Display*
3. Enter the scale program mode. Press the calibration button to engage the scale calibration mode. If the
system is a dual cable system, disconnect the host to scale RS232 cable from the unit.
Figure 47. Entering the Scale Program Mode
4. Reinstall the platter onto the MS2420/MS2430 scanner/Diva scale (see Figure 48).
Figure 48. Platter Installation
5. Enter bar code calibration mode. Use the vertical window to scan one of the following bar codes,
whichever weight units (either pounds or kilograms) the scanner/Diva scale will be operating in. The
scanner will beep once as it enters the bar code calibration mode and the calibration utility will start.
* These procedures are for MS2420/MS2430 Scanner/Diva Scale models only.