Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800
53 Unformatted
What this message means:
The printer detects unformatted flash memory.
What you can do:
• Press Go to clear the message and continue printing. You must format the flash memory
before you can store any resources on it.
• If the error message remains, the flash memory may be defective and require replacing.
What this message means:
The printer has detected a serial interface error on a serial port.
What you can do:
• Make sure the serial link is set up correctly and you are using the appropriate cable.
• Press Go to clear the message and continue printing. The job may not print correctly.
• Press Menu to open the Job Menu and reset the printer.
What these messages mean:
The printer cannot establish communications with an installed network port.
What you can do:
• Press Go to clear the message and continue printing. The job may not print correctly.
• Program new firmware for the network interface by way of the USB or parallel port.
• Press Menu to open the Job Menu and reset the printer.
54 Serial
Option <x> Error
54 Network <x>
Software Error
54 Std Network
Software Error