Chapter 6. Troubleshooting 47
662 Diskette drive configuration error 1. Go to “Starting and using the IBM
Setup Utility program” on page 27,
the diskette drive configuration.
2. Run the diagnostic program forthe
diskette drive. See “Running the
IBM Enhanced Diagnostics
program” on page 66.
3. If the problem persists, have the
computer serviced.
1762 Hard disk configuration error 1. Go to “Starting and using the IBM
Setup Utility program” on page 27,
the hard disk configuration.
2. If the problem persists, have the
computer serviced.
178x Hard disk or IDE device failed 1. Go to “Running the IBM Enhanced
Diagnostics program” on page 66,
and follow the instructions for
runningthe diagnosticprogram for
the hard disk drive and IDE
2. If the problem persists, have the
computer serviced.
18xx A PCI adapter has requested an
unavailable resource
Go to “Starting and using the IBM
Setup Utility program” on page 27 and
follow the instructions to reconfigure
the PCI devices.
1962 No startup device found 1. Go to “Starting and using the IBM
Setup Utility program” on page 27
that the startup sequence is
configured properly.
2. If the problem persists, have the
computer serviced.
2400 Display adapter failed; using
Have the computer serviced.
2462 Video configuration error Have the computer serviced.
5962 IDE CD-ROM configuration error Have the computer serviced.
8601 Pointing device error Have the computer serviced.
8603 Pointing device has been removed 1. Make sure that the pointing device
is properly attached.
2. If the problem persists, have the
computer serviced.
Code Description Action