1 Connector cover 73H7450
2 Rear cover 12J2493
3 Bezel (Upper cover group)
4 Device space bay frame 82H6729
5 Cables (Cable group)
6 Riser card 11J8831
7 Main card (Main card assembly)
8 Audio card 12J2494
9 DC-DC card 12J2495
10 Base cover 11J8828
11 USB card 12J2496
12 Speaker assembly 39H7446
13 Shield cover (Main card assembly)
14 Power supply (Power supply group)
15 Bracket (Power supply group)
16 Upper cover (Upper cover group)
17 UltraBay II tray 11J8834
Cable group
(Includes the following:)
SCSI cable
IDE cables
Audio cable
USB cable
Wake-on signal cable
Upper cover group
(Includes the following:)
Upper cover
LCD indicator
Power supply group
(Includes the following:)
Power supply
Main card assembly
(Includes the following:)
Main card
Shield cover
Miscellaneous kit 39H7447
SelectaDock Base Model I 39H7416
SelectaBase 770 11J8822
SelectaBase PC Card Enabler 11J8823
678 IBM Mobile Systems HMM