0.4-0.2A 50/60H
Figure A-4. Attaching an ASCII Terminal to the Service Port
| When locally attaching a terminal to the IBM 2210 service port, the speed (baud
| rate) configured for the service port must match the speed of the connected ter-
| minal if the IBM 2210 has been configured to use a specific baud rate. If the IBM
| 2210 is configured for auto-baud the IBM 2210 learns the ASCII terminal’s line
| speed when the user types the terminal break key sequence and presses Enter. A
| typical break key sequence for PC terminal emulators is Alt-B (refer to the terminal
| emulator documentation). Most ASCII terminals have a Break key (often used in
| conjunction with the Ctrl key).
| Note: When using a locally attached terminal to run the IBM 2210 diagnostic pro-
| grams, the service port line speed must be set to 9600 bps. This setting is a con-
| stant and cannot be changed.
| When connecting a IBM 2210 to a remote terminal by two modems connected by
| telephone lines, you must follow these rules:
| If the modems are running at a speed of 9600 or lower and they do
| support hardware compression, the IBM 2210 service port speed and the ter-
| minal speed must match the modems’ line speed.
| If the modems are running hardware compression, the IBM 2210 service port
| speed and the terminal speed should exceed the modems’ line speed.
Note: The IBM 2210 service port can be damaged by static electricity discharge. It
is shipped with a plastic port cover to prevent such damage. Remove the plastic
cover when you are attaching a terminal and store it in a safe place. When you
disconnect the terminal, reinstall the plastic cover.
ASCII Terminals and Setup Attributes
The DEC VT100 ASCII terminal is supported, as well as devices, such as personal
computer systems, that are configured to emulate it. Configure a VT100 with:
No parity
8-bit word length
1 stop bit
A-4 2210 Service and Maintenance