C H A P T E R 2 Installing and Removing the Express Hub
Installing Multiple Hubs
This section describes building a stack of Express hubs. Included in
this section are the guidelines for stacking and cascading Express hubs
and the physical requirements for installing multiple hubs. Review the
guidelines and requirements before installing your equipment.
Stacking and Cascading Hubs
You can connect multiple hubs together to increase the number of
connections to your network. A stack of a maximum of six hubs can
be installed in the standard 19-in (48.26-cm) equipment rack or on a
shelf or a table. Once the hubs are stacked and secured either in the
rack or on a table or shelf, you can connect them in the stack using
Intel cascade cables.
The cascade cable is a unique cable for the Express hub. Use this cable
to connect two adjacent hubs in a stack. You can connect two adjacent
hubs as long as the distance between the two hubs is not greater than 2
inches (0.05 meters).
Physical Requirements for Installing
Multiple Hubs
When you install a stack of Express hubs, consider the following
installation requirements:
• The mounting requirements for installing multiple hubs
• The requirements for installing NMMs