5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset for Communications, Embedded, and Storage Applications
July 2008 TDG
Order Number: 318676-003US 29
5100 MCH Chipset
6.2 CompactPCI* Reference Heatsink
Intel has also developed a reference thermal solution compatible with the CompactPCI*
form factor. The reference solution was developed assuming a maximum ambient
temperature of 67 °C with a minimum volumetric airflow rate of 10 CFM through each
slot. Assuming these boundary conditions are met, the reference thermal solution
meets the thermal specifications for Intel
5100 Memory Controller Hub Chipset.
6.2.1 Component Overview
The CompactPCI* reference heatsink is an extruded aluminum heatsink and does not
share the same volumetric footprint as the AdvancedTCA* reference heatsink. Full
mechanical drawings of the thermal solution assembly, full mechanical drawings,
volumetric footprint, and the heatsink clip are provided in Appendix A. It uses the same
spring clip retention and Honeywell* PCM45F Thermal Interface Material (TIM) as the
AdvancedTCA* reference solution.
Figure 21 shows the isometric view of the CompactPCI* reference heatsink.
Table 7. Reliability Guidelines
Requirement Pass/Fail Criteria
Mechanical Shock 50 g, board level, 11 ms, three shocks/axis Visual Check and Electrical Functional Test
Random Vibration 7.3 g, board level, 45 minutes/axis, 50 Hz to 2000 Hz Visual Check and Electrical Functional Test
Temperature Life
85 °C, 2000 hours total, checkpoints at 168, 500, 1000,
and 2000 hours
Visual Check
Thermal Cycling -5 °C to +70 °C, 500 cycles Visual Check
Humidity 85% relative humidity, 55 °C, 1000 hours Visual Check
1. It is recommended that the above tests be performed on a sample size of at least 12 assemblies from three lots of
2. Additional pass/fail criteria may be added at the discretion of the user.
Figure 21. Isometric View of the CompactPCI* Reference Heatsink
Note: Refer to Appendix A for more detailed mechanical drawings of the heatsink.