Intel 80C188EB Computer Hardware User Manual

5.2.2 Other File Operations
In addition to object files, the iECM-86 makes use of include files, log files, and list files. Include
files contain commands to be executed by iECM-86. They must contain the exact sequence of
ASCII characters that you would enter from the keyboard to execute the command. Include files
can be tedious to create with a text editor, so iECM-86 can generate log files that store characters
entered by the user. These log files may be used later as include files to recreate command
sequences. List files keep a running record of commands entered by the user and the responses
generated by iECM-86. Comments can be included in list and log files to make them easier to
understand. A comment starts with a semicolon (;) and ends with a carriage return or ESC. The
semicolon is considered part of the comment, but the carriage return or ESC is not. The command
parser ignores comments but puts them in the list and log files.
The list and log file commands allow for default file names and allow either overwriting existing
data in the file or appending data at the end of the file. This allows you to gather list and log data
in the default files, which avoids creating and managing a large number of separate files. Log and
list files are stamped with the date and time whenever they are opened to facilitate using this
capability, then going back to sort out the data from several debug sessions with a text editor.
The following commands are used in include, log, and list operations.
Three of these commands require you to supply a valid file name; the rest use the appropriate file
name that has already been entered.
INCLUDE filename This command attempts to open filename as a read-only file. If the
file can be opened, the command parser takes commands from that
file until the end of the file is reached. The INCLUDE file is then
closed. Only one INCLUDE file is opened at a time.
PAUSE This command is documented in this section because it is intended to
be used as part of INCLUDE files. It is not really a file-oriented
command itself. When this command is entered, the iECM-86 stops