Intel cpb4612 Computer Hardware User Manual

Default Jumper Configuration
3.1 Switch Descriptions
The following topics list the switches in numerical order and provide a detailed description of each switch.
3.1.1 PB1 (Reset)
PB1 is a push-button on the front of the cPB-4612. Pressing PB1 issues a hard reset. Reset is discussed
in more detail in Chapter 4.
3.1.2 J16-1 (BKT-GND to GND)
Installing this jumper will short the bracket ground to digital ground. This may positively or negatively
affect EMI emissions, depending on the system. Proper testing would need to be performed with the
intended system to determine the best setting. The default is for no jumper.
J16-1 Function
Open Default Bracket ground is not connected to digital ground.
Closed Bracket ground is shorted to digital ground.