Intel ECB-865 Computer Hardware User Manual

User’s Manual
100 ECB-865 User’s Manual
Code Description
4B The amount of memory above 1MB has been found and verified.
Checking for a soft reset and clearing the memory below 1MB for the
soft reset next.
If this is a power on situation, going to checkpoint 4Eh next.
4C The memory below 1MB has been cleared via a soft reset. Clearing
the memory above 1MB next.
4D The memory above 1MB has been cleared via soft reset. Saving the
memory size next. Going to checkpoint 52h next.
4E The memory test started, but not as the result of a soft reset.
Displaying the first 64KB memory size next.
4F Memory size display started. This will be updated during memory test.
Performing the sequential and random memory test next.
50 Memory testing/initialization below 1MB completed. Going to adjust
displayed memory size for relocation and shadowing.
51 The memory size display was adjusted for relocation and shadowing.
Testing the memory above 1MB next.
52 The memory above 1MB has been tested and initialized. Saving the
memory size information next.
53 The memory size information and the CPU registers are saved.
Entering real mode next.
54 Shutdown was successful. The CPU is in real mode. Disabling the
Gate A20 line, parity, and the NMI next.
57 The A20 address line, parity, and the NMI are disabled. Adjusting the
memory sizedepending on relocation and shadowing next.
58 The memory size was adjusted for relocation and shadowing. Clearing
the Hit <DEL> message next.
The Hit <DEL> message is cleared. The <WAIT…> message is
displayed. Staring the DMA and interrupt controller test next.
60 The DMA page register test passed. To do DMA#1 base register test.
62 DMA#1 base register test passed. To do DMA#2 base register test.
65 DMA#2 base register test passed. To program DMA unit 1 and 2.
66 DMA unit 1 and 2 programming over. To initialize 8259 interrupt
7F Extended NMI sources enabling is in progress.
80 The keyboard test has started. Clearing the output buffer and checking
for stuck keys. Issuing the keyboard reset command next.