IA-32 Intel® Architecture Optimization
Checking for Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 Support
SSE3 includes 13 instructions, 11 of those are suited for SIMD or x87
style programming. Checking for support of these SSE3 instructions is
similar to checking for SSE support. You must also check whether your
operating system (OS) supports SSE. The OS requirements for SSE3
Support are the same as the requirements for SSE.
To check whether your system supports the x87 and SIMD instructions
of SSE3, follow these steps:
1. Check that your processor has the
cpuid instruction.
2. Check the ECX feature bit 0 of
cpuid for SSE3 technology
3. Check for OS support for SSE.
Example 3-6 shows how to find the SSE3 feature bit (bit 0 of ECX) in
cpuid feature flags.
Example 3-5 Identification of SSE2 by the OS
bool OSSupportCheck() {
_try {
__asm xorpd xmm0, xmm0 ; SSE2}
if _exception_code()==STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION)
/* SSE2not supported */
return (false);
/* SSE2 are supported by OS */
return (true);