PX875P PRO/ PX875P
Integ herals
ay uses
PCI slot or an AGP slot. Options: AGP (default)、PCI Slot
OnChip IDE Device
IDE HDD Block Mode
Block mode i wise know r, mu
Select the “En option if e su do). The
system will automatically det al nu per sector.
Options: Enab efault)、D
On-Chip Primary/Se
The mainboard chipset conta erfac els. Select
nabled” to activate the first and/or second IDE interface. Select “Disabled” to deactivate the
rated Perip
Init Display First
With systems that have multiple video cards, this option determines whether the primary displ
s other
n as block transfe ltiple commands, or multiple sector read/write.
your IDE hard driv pports block mode (most new drives
ermine the optim mber of blocks to read and write
led (d isabled
condary PCI IDE
ins a PCI IDE int e with support for two IDE chann
interface if you are going to install a primary and/or secondary add-in IDE interface. Options:
Enabled (default)、Disabled