Chapter 5 — Setting up the Printer
42 EasyCoder PD41 Printer User’s Guide
Running Testmode
You can check certain settings, print a test label, or enter the
dump mode for troubleshooting purposes by using the printer
testmodes. Two testmodes are available, Testmode and Extended
Te st m o de .
Normal testmode is used to select the media type, to print test
labels, and to enter dump mode. Testmode is entered by pressing
the Print button while switching the printer’s power on. This
starts the Testmode which will go through a sequence of actions;
these can be controlled by pressing the Print button at the cue of
different LED flash patterns. The sequence of steps in testmode is
shown in the tables below:
Testmode: Activating
Error RtW Button Comment
1 1 Make sure the printhead
lever is lowered. Press and
hold the Print button and
switch the printer On.
Testmode is activated after
10 seconds.
2 1 1 1 LEDs flash fast one at a time.
Keep button pressed.
Testmode: Selecting Media Type
Error RtW Button Comment
3 Release the button when LED corresponding to your media
type flashes
3a 1 0 Labels with gaps.
3b 1 0 Ticket with mark.
3c 1 0 Variable length strip.
4 The printer will automatically perform a sensor calibration
(Testfeed) according to your selection, and will select thermal
transfer printing if ribbons is installed, otherwise direct thermal.