P/N: 900-10004-00 REV 02 USER GUIDE, IOSAFE R4
Input Field Format
Domain/Workgroup Name
A valid domain or workgroup name must conform to the following restrictions:
Name must consist only of characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and the symbols _ (underscore), –
(dash), and . (period).
Name must start with a letter.
Name length must be 15 characters or less.
A valid IP address or a host name.
Host Name
A valid host name must conform to the following restrictions:
Name must consist only of characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and the symbols – (dash) and .
Name must start with a letter.
A short host name length must be 15 characters or less.
A fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) must have no more than 63 characters in each
section separated by . (period), and cannot end with a – (dash). Example of a valid FQDN:
ioSafe R4 Host Name
A valid host name except the first part or short host name must be 15 characters or less due to
NetBIOS name length restriction.