A-61003 September 1993
Function Code Name/
Code Description Additional Input
F24 AEC On/Off • Enter the number one (1) to turn AEC ON; or
Allows you to turn the enter the number zero (0) to turn AEC OFF.
Automatic Exposure Control • Press the Enter key.
on or off.
F25 AEC Auto Adjust • Press the left arrow key to decrease the
Allows you to adjust the AEC exposure level; or
exposure setting when the press the right arrow key to increase the
AEC is in Auto Mode (ON). exposure level.
• Press the Enter key.
F26 AEC Fixed Adjust • Press the left arrow key to decrease the
Allows you to adjust the AEC exposure level; or
exposure setting when the press the right arrow key to increase the
AEC is in Fixed Mode (OFF). exposure level.
• Press the Enter key.
F27 Film Advance • Enter the number of inches to advance the film,
Allows you to advance the film the film by more or less than six (6) inches
in six (6) inch [150 mm] [150 mm].
increments, or by a specific • Press the Enter key.
amount input in inches or
F28 Film Leader none
Allows you to create a film
leader which is six (6) feet
[1.8 meters] of blank film.
F29 Advance Film to End of Roll none
Allows you to advance the
film to the end of the roll.
F30 Display Film Remaining • Press the Clear key to return to a normal
Allows you to display the operating display.
amount of film remaining in
each film cassette.