Serial Interface (Option)
CTS - Clear To Send - (Pin 5)
DSR - Data Set Ready - (Pin 6)
SG - Signal Ground - (Pin 7)
All signals can transmit between the printer and the host computer to send
each signal with a signal ground.
DTR - Data Terminal Ready - (Pin 20)
This output is used as a buffer nearly-full handshake line. It is held high
(above 3 volts) when the buffer can accept more data.
RS-232C Interface Voltage Levels
The voltage levels of the interface signals conform to EIA RS-232C
specifications. SPACE is from 3 volts to 15 volts. MARK is from -3 volts to -
15 volts. Voltages between -3 volts and 3 volts are undefined.
C.2.2 RS-422A Interface
The serial interface is set to the RS-232C mode as the factory default.
However, by changing the jumper connector on the IB-10E interface board,
the interface can be changed to the RS-422A mode.
In the RS-232C mode
, the printer can be connected to a personal
computer (or similar device) equipped with an RS-232C serial interface.
(The serial interface is set to the RS-232C mode as the factory default.)
In the RS-422A mode
, the printer can be connected to a personal
computer (or similar device) equipped with an RS-422A serial interface.
Changing of the jumper connector should be carried out only by a
Kyocera authorized dealer or Kyocera certified technician. Kyocera shall
not be liable for damage due to improper changing of the jumper