Joining a Trusted Device to LenovoEMC Personal Cloud
You can join your px6-300d Network Storage to the Personal Cloud as a trusted device if you have been
given permission by the person administering the Personal Cloud.
You cannot join your trusted device to a Personal Cloud if you have not been added as a user on
the Personal Cloud.
1. On the Personal Cloud page, select the Other Personal Cloud command to join another
LenovoEMC Personal Cloud.
2. In the Add Trusted Device to Personal Cloud dialog box, enter the Personal Cloud name,
username, and password you received in the email invitation.
3. Enter a descriptive name for your trusted device in the Description field.
4. Click Apply.
After applying this information, you are automatically connected to the Personal Cloud.
PersonalCloud: AccessingYour LenovoEMC PersonalCloudFromAnywhereintheWorld
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