Command Line Interface
Line Commands
You can access the onboard configuration program by attaching a VT100
compatible device to the server’s serial port. These commands are used to set
communication parameters for the serial port or Telnet (i.e., a virtual terminal).
This command identifies a specific line for configuration, and to process subsequent
line configuration commands.
line {console | vty}
• console - Console terminal line.
• vty - Virtual terminal for remote console access (i.e., Telnet).
Default Setting
There is no default line.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Table 4-5 Line Commands
Command Function Mode Page
line Identifies a specific line for configuration and starts the line
configuration mode
GC 4-10
login Enables password checking at login LC 4-11
password Specifies a password on a line LC 4-12
timeout login
Sets the interval that the system waits for a user to log into the
LC 4-13
exec-timeout Sets the interval that the command interpreter waits until user
input is detected
LC 4-13
password-thresh Sets the password intrusion threshold, which limits the number
of failed logon attempts
LC 4-14
silent-time* Sets the amount of time the management console is
inaccessible after the number of unsuccessful logon attempts
exceeds the threshold set by the password-thresh command
LC 4-15
databits* Sets the number of data bits per character that are interpreted
and generated by hardware
LC 4-15
parity* Defines the generation of a parity bit LC 4-16
speed* Sets the terminal baud rate LC 4-17
stopbits* Sets the number of the stop bits transmitted per byte LC 4-17
disconnect Terminates a line connection PE 4-18
show line Displays a terminal line's parameters NE, PE 4-18
* These commands only apply to the serial port.