193Operations - TN5250E SETUP: SCS OPTIONS > IDB First Char (IDB Option 8)
IDB First Char
(IDB Option 8)
This SCS Options > CSC Characters option defines the first char-
acter in the CSC (Command String Characters) sequence. The CSC
is a unique two-character sequence, which opens the internal IDB
editor in the SCS/TNe Emulation. It must be used every time IDB
commands are sent to the SCS/TNe Emulation. The CSC is also
used in front of the Lead-in characters defined with option 171 and
172. Last of all the CSC is also used for passing single hex values
to the printer, e.g. &%1B = <esc>.
The IDB option value is an ASCII character in the decimal range 33
- 126. Refer to “Appendix B - ASCII Character Table” on page 282
for a complete list of characters and their values.
User IDB command:
Not supported
Not supported
Option Value IDB Value User IDB parameter
& * 38 [ampersand] Not supported