68AS/400 and iSeries Installation Setup: Task 4 - Configuring the SCS/TNe Emulation
Device # Name [undefined] Your device name
(up to 10 characters)
The host will autoconfigure a device and writer with this
name if it does not exist.
Keep Alive Type None None
or own preference
Leave this at the factory default if the host is configured to
send a keep alive signal.
Choose a different setting to have the SCS/TNe
Emulation send a keep alive signal.
Keep Alive Time 45 seconds Your own preference
(1-3200 seconds)
This setting is not used if the Keep Alive Type option
value is set to None (= disabled).
If you have chosen to enable a Keep Alive Type
set this value to a value smaller than the INACTTIMO
defined on the host.
MSGQ # Name QSYSOPR Your preferred
queue name (up to
10 characters)
Specifies the message queue name to which IR replies
are reported. This name must already exist on the host. It
will not be auto configured. Contact your system adminis-
trator if you do not know the message queue name.
MSGQ # Lib *LIBL The library name of
the message queue
(up to 10 characters)
Specifies the library of the message queue name set with
the MSGQ # Name option. This library must already exist
on the host It will not be auto configured. Contact your
system administrator if you do not know the library name.
IR # Reply Normal Normal Leave this option at its default value to have printer inter-
vention required conditions reported to the host.
Option Default Value Recommended Value Comments