Page 62 LSI Corporation | September 2010
LSISAS6160 SAS Switch User GuideChapter 4: SAS Domain Manager Command Line Interface
| SDM-CLI Commands
alias create <name> <sas address>
Creates an alias that is bound to a specific device within the domain. The alias name
can have a maximum of 24 characters. Valid characters are 0 through 9, A through Z,
a through z, #(pound), -(dash), and _(underscore). An alias name must not closely
resemble a valid SAS address (16 hexadecimal characters that start with a 5).
alias delete single <name>
Deletes a single specified alias.
alias delete all [noconfirm]
Deletes all aliases. If you specify the [noconfirm] option, the deletion occurs
immediately without an additional confirmation prompt. Otherwise, SDM first
prompts you to confirm the action.
4.2.6 Device Command (Intra-Domain) Use the device command to manage individual devices (LSI expanders)
within the domain.
Authority: Admin
device (<sas address>|<alias>) reset [noconfirm]
device (<sas address>|<alias>):<phy> reset [counters]
device (<sas address>|<alias>):<phy> (disable|enable)
device (<sas address>|<alias>) update <file> <ip address>
device (<sas address>|<alias>) ip (dhcp|static <ip
address> <mask> <gateway>)
Configure IP address for the switch.
device (<sas address>|<alias>) reset [noconfirm]
Resets a device after user confirmation. If you specify the [noconfirm] option,
the reset occurs immediately without an additional confirmation prompt.
Otherwise, SDM first prompts you to confirm the action.
device (<sas address>|<alias>):<phy> reset
Resets a phy.
device (<sas address>|<alias>):<phy> reset counters
Clears a phy’s counters.
device (<sas address>|<alias>):<phy> disable
Disables a phy until the next device reset.
device (<sas address>|<alias>):<phy> enable
Enables a previously disabled phy.
device (<sas address>|<alias>) update <file> <ip address>
Installs a new firmware image on the specified device and automatically resets the
device after a successful update. SDM checks to ensure that the product
identification of the image matches the targeted device. The targeted device is
responsible for any other image validation.