Page 64 LSI Corporation | September 2010
LSISAS6160 SAS Switch User GuideChapter 4: SAS Domain Manager Command Line Interface
| SDM-CLI Commands
4.2.8 Zonegroup Command (Intra-Domain) Use the zonegroup command to manage zone groups and zone
group membership. Zonegroup commands have no effect on the active zone set until
you reactivate it.
Authority: Admin
zonegroup add <name> (<sas_address>|<alias>):<phy>
zonegroup create <name>
zonegroup delete ((single <name>)|(all [noconfirm]))
zonegroup remove <name> (<sas_address>|<alias>):<phy>
zonegroup rename <old> <new>
zonegroup add <name> (<sas address>|<alias>):<phy>
Adds a phy to an existing zone group.
NOTE: Phys internal to the ZPSDS must be in Zone Group 1. Therefore, exclude them
from this command.
zonegroup create <name>
Creates a new zone group. The zone group name can have a maximum of
32 characters. Valid characters are 0 through 9, A through Z, a through z, #(pound),
-(dash), and _(underscore).
zonegroup delete single <name>
Deletes a single zone group.
NOTE: You cannot delete a zone group if it is currently a member of a zone set. This
restriction also applies to the zonegroup delete all command.
zonegroup delete all [noconfirm]
Deletes all zone groups. If you specify the [noconfirm] option, the action occurs
immediately without an additional confirmation prompt. Otherwise, SDM first
prompts you to confirm the action.
zonegroup remove <name> (<sas address>|<alias>):<phy>
Removes a phy from an existing zone group.
zonegroup rename <old> <new>
Renames an existing zone group.