
Comet installation and user manual: E-6761200XT/FA
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
"Static bypass" 3 overload curve
operation (cont')
1,1 1,3 1,5
10 mn
10 s
1 s
0,15 s
rated load
current In
1,7 1,9 2
1 mn
Fig. 22
overloads on 5 kVA Comet S11 or S31
For a major temporary overload (greater than 1.5In):
The load is transferred to AC input power via the "static bypass" 3 for 5 seconds.
After that time, it is transferred back to the inverter.
If the overload persists, this sequence will be repeated 3 times in all before the
inverter is shut down and the supply of power to the load interrupted.
For a minor overload:
Minor overloads can be supplied by the inverter for a duration defined in figure 21
for an ambient temperature of less than 30°C. Above this temperature, a derating
coefficient k must be applied to the rated current and therefore to the overload
curve in figure 21:
from 30°C to 35°C: k = 0.9,
from 35°C to 40°C: k = 0.85,
above 40°C: k = 0.8.
Example: an overload current I can be supplied by the inverter for 1 minute
under the following conditions:
1.1 In < I < 1.3 In for an ambient temperature of 25°C,
1.1 x 0.9In < I < 1.3 x 0.9In for an ambient temperature of 32°C,
1.1 x 0.85In < I < 1.3 x 0.85In for an ambient temperature of 37°C,
1.1 x 0.8In < I < 1.3 x 0.8In for an ambient temperature of 42°C.
When an overload occurs:
the buzzer 17 sounds,
the orange "fault" light 19 goes on,
the inverter 7 shuts down at the end of its corresponding overload time,
the load is supplied by AC input power via the "static bypass" 3 ,
the green "load protected" light 21 goes off,
the red "load not protected" light 18 goes on.
The load is supplied via the "static bypass" 3 for 5 seconds, after which it is
transferred back to the inverter. If the overload persists, the inverter shuts down
and the supply of power to the load is interrupted.