■ total time with Tbatt > 25° C (h): this
is the total time of operation with the bat-
tery temperature greater than 25° C since
initial startup of the UPS. It is expressed in
■ last reset: this is the date that the infor-
mation was last set to zero by the
Teleservice function;
■ elapsed backup time (min): this is the
total time of operation on battery power
since the last reset. It is expressed in min-
■ nb of backups: this is the number of
times the load was supplied by the UPS
from battery power since the last reset;
■ nb of backups < 1 min: this is the
number of times the load was supplied by
the UPS from battery power for less than
one minute, since the last reset;
■ 1 min < nb of backups < 3 min: this is
the number of times the load was supplied
by the UPS from battery power for more
than one minute and less than three min-
utes, since the last reset;
consulting recorded
Recorded measurements are presented in
the same manner (see opposite):
■ the lists indicate the last 30 measure-
ments recorded for the given parameter.
The chronological order of the measure-
ments is indicated in the figure opposite;
■ the most recent measurement is pre-
sented first, in the upper left-hand corner
of the list. The following measurement is
listed just below, and so on until the 30th
value listed in the bottom right-hand cor-
ner of the list;
■ the period T between two successive
measurements is 30 days. The displayed
measurements are instantaneous values.
■ nb of backups > 3 min: this is the
number of times the load was supplied by
the UPS from battery power for more than
three minutes, since the last reset;
■ nb of overloads < 5 s: this is the num-
ber of times the UPS was overloaded (out-
put current greater than In) for less than
five seconds, since the last reset;
■ nb of overloads > 5 s: this is the num-
ber of times the UPS was overloaded (out-
put current greater than In) for more than
five seconds, since the last reset;
■ nb of times TBatt. > 25° C: this is the
number of times the battery temperature
was measured at over 25° C, since the
last reset.
when this screen is
selected, approximately
ten seconds are required
to call up and display the
If the number of mea-
surements is greater than
30, only the last 30 (the
most recent) are dis-
Logging and time-stamping
nb of backups: 0
nb of backups < 1 min: 0
1 min < nb of backups < 3 min: 0
nb of backups > 3 min: 0
nb of overloads < 5 s: 0
nb of overloads > 5 s: 0
nb of times TBatt. > 25°C: 0
Use the ▼ and ▼ keys to shift between the beginning and the end of the display.
PARAMETER NAME (units) T=30 days
▼ last read: 05/09/1997
M(t+25T)|M(t+19T)|M(t+13T)|M(t+07T)| M(t+T)
M(t+24T)|M(t+18T)|M(t+12T)|M(t+06T)| M(t)
Galaxy PW
100 to 225 kVA