Mitsubishi Electronics WL7200U Projector User Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)
Images are not displayed correctly. (continued)
Problem Solution
Hue is not appropriate. • Checkthatthecablesconnectedtotheexternaldevicesarenotbroken.
Tint in projected
images is incorrect.
• CheckthatCOMPUTERINPUTintheSIGNALmenuiscorrectlyset.(Seepage36.)
• Checkthatthecableconnectedtotheexternaldeviceisn’tbroken.
Different color tint. •
When comparing images projected by two projectors, tints in the displayed images may be
different because of variation between their optical components. This is not a malfunction.
• Whencomparingtheimageprojectedbythisprojectorwiththosedisplayedonthe
television or PC monitor, tints in the displayed images may be different because of
difference in the range of color reproducibility. This is not a malfunction.
Only the motion areas
in the images supplied
from the computer
aren’t displayed.
• Thisiscausedbythecomputerbeingused.Contactthemanufacturerofyour
Projected images are
• Matchtheoutputresolutionofyourcomputerwiththeresolutionoftheprojector.
For the method to change the output resolution of the computer, contact the
manufacturer of your computer. (See page 64.)
• Someimagesandtextsappearobscuredduringthekeystoneadjustment.Insuch
cases, use the projector without applying the keystone adjustment. (See page 13.)
• WhenSUPERRESOLUTIONisON,thedisplayedimagemaybeobscured.Setitto
OFF. (See page 32.)
Noise appears around
the image.
• InsomeimagessuchasDVD,noisemayappeararoundtherecordedimage.Inthis
case, decrease the setting value of OVER SCAN of the SIGNAL menu. (See page 36.)
Images of WXGA
signal are not
displayed correctly.
• Makeadjustmentaccordingto“Howtoadjustthecomputerimage”onpage42.
Problem Solution
The exhaust vents
emit warm air.
• Thisaircomesoutaftercoolingtheinsideoftheprojector.Youmayfeelhot,butthis
is not a malfunction.
No audio is output. • Checkthatthevolumeisn’tsettolow.
• WhentheexternaldeviceisconnectedwithanHDMIcable,settheaudiooutputof
the device to PCM output.
The menu can’t be
• Themicrocomputersinsidetheprojectormaybewronglyoperatingbecauseofnoise.
Press the POWER button to turn off the lamp and unplug the power cord from the
wall outlet. Wait about 10 minutes, plug the power cord in, and try again.
• Thisindicationappearswhentheambienttemperatureriseshigh.Whentheambient
temperature stays high, the lamp goes out.
Eliminate any causes of the rise in the ambient temperature.
• Thisindicationappearswhentheairinletoroutletgrilleisblocked.Whentheyare
kept blocked, the lamp goes out.
Remove the objects blocking the air inlet or outlet grille.
The mark appears. •
This mark appears when ineffective operation is carried out. This isn’t a product malfunction.
The remote control
doesn’t function easily
or at all.
• Checkthatthebatteriesareloadedintheremotecontrolorthebatteriesarenot
weak. (See page 6.)
• Checkthattheremotecontrolsensorisn’texposedtodirectsunlightoruorescent
light. (See page 9.)
• Usetheremotecontrolwithinitsoperationrange.(Seepage9.)
• Usetheremotecontrolatleast10cmawayfromtheprojector.
• CheckthattheCONTROLLERIDmatcheswiththePROJECTORID.(Seepage10.)
The buttons on the
projector (except for
the POWER button)
don’t function.
• PASSWORDFUNCTIONintheFEATUREmenuhasbeensettoMENUACCESS to
enable the password lock.
Cancel the password lock or contact the person in charge of management of the
projector. (See page 49.)