Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZBA Fax Machine User Manual

E Upgrade Procedures
Appendix E: Upgrade Procedures
Your modem is controlled by semi-permanent software, called
that is stored in flash memory. Firmware is nonvolatile; that is, it re-
mains stored in memory when the modem is turned off. However, it can
be changed by either the manufacturer or the user as bugs are fixed or
new features are added.
Since the firmware in your modem is stored in flash memory, you can
upgrade it yourself in a few minutes by using the following procedures.
Upgrade Overview
The upgrade procedure consists of the following steps, which are de-
scribed in greater detail in the following sections.
1. Identify the model number and firmware version of your modem.
2. Identify the current version of the firmware at the Multi-Tech Web
site or BBS. If your modem already has the current firmware, there
is no need to update it.
3. Download the upgrade file for your modem.
4. Extract the firmware .HEX file and the appropriate flash upgrade
program from the file you downloaded.
5. Document and clear your stored parameters.
6. Upgrade the modem’s firmware using the .HEX file and the flash
upgrade program.
7. Restore your parameters.