Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZBA Fax Machine User Manual

6 Callback Security
This chapter describes how to use callback security with your modem.
Callback security protects your network from unauthorized access and
helps control long distance costs. When callback security is enabled, all
callers are requested to enter a password. If a valid password is re-
ceived, the modem hangs up and returns the call by dialing a phone
number that is stored with the password. The person being called back
must then enter the password a second time to establish a connection.
Up to 30 callback passwords and dialing strings can be stored in the
modem. Each dialing string can be up to 34 or 35 characters long and
can contain commands as well as phone numbers. For mobile callers,
the dialing string can be programmed to allow the caller to bypass the
stored callback number by entering a temporary callback number, to
enter an extension at the callback number, or to make a direct connec-
tion without callback.
For local security, the passwords and dialing strings that are stored in
the modem are protected from tampering by a setup password, which
you should change when you set up the modem. You can further pro-
tect the modem against tampering by disabling its ability to respond to
most AT commands. To check for attempted breakins, you can request
the modem to display the number of failed password attempts.
Setup Procedures
Your modem was shipped with a default setup password (MTSMO-
DEM). The same password is used for both callback security and re-
mote configuration (Chapter 5). Because anyone who has access to
this manual has access to the default password, you should change the
password during your initial setup.