Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZBA Fax Machine User Manual

User Guide
You must press ENTER to send the command to the modem. Any time
the modem receives a command, it sends a response known as a
. The most common result codes are
, and the
messages that the modem sends to the computer when it is con-
necting to another modem. For a table of valid result codes, see “Result
Codes” at the end of this chapter.
You can issue several commands in one line, in what is called a com-
. The command string begins with AT and ends when you
press ENTER. Spaces to separate the commands are optional; they are
ignored by the command interpreter. The most familiar command string
is the
initialization string
, which is used to configure the modem when it
is turned on or reset, or when your communications software calls an-
other modem.
AT Command Summary
Command: AT Attention Code
Values: n/a
Description: The attention code precedes all command lines
except A/, A:, and escape sequences.
Command: ENTER Key
Values: n/a
Description: Press the ENTER (RETURN) key to execute most
Command: A Answer
Values: n/a
Description: Answer call before final ring.