Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZBA Fax Machine User Manual

User Guide
1. Run your favorite terminal program. If you are using Windows 95 or
Windows NT, you can use HyperTerminal. If you are using Windows
3.11, you can use Windows Terminal.
2. In the program’s terminal window, type AT&V and press ENTER to
list your modem’s current parameters.
3. Record your parameters by saving the screens and sending them to
your printer.
4. Type AT&W1Z and press ENTER to clear your stored parameters
and reset your modem to factory default.
5. Close the terminal program.
Step 6: Upgrade the Modem’s Firmware
Use one of the flash programs that you extracted to upgrade your mo-
dem. There are three flash programs: DOSFLASH.ZIP for DOS or Win-
dows 3.1, FLASHWIN for Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, and FLASHNT
for Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.
1. Copy DOSFLASH.ZIP and the downloaded .HEX file to a temporary
3. To upgrade the modem, run DOSFLASH by using the command
x y
, in which
is the number of the port the modem is
connected to and
is the IRQ number for the port. The IRQ number
is optional if you are using the standard IRQ number for the port.
For example, if your modem is connected to COM2, and COM2 has
IRQ 3 assigned to it, which is standard for that port, type either
dflash10 2 or dflash10 2 3.