Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZBA Fax Machine User Manual

User Guide
Step 8: Test the MT5634ZBAV Voice Circuits
There are several tests that you can perform to verify the voice circuits
of the MT5634ZBAV. Try the answering machine test first; if that doesn’t
work, and if you have a microphone and speaker connected to the
MT5634ZBAV, try the loopback and speakerphone tests, which do not
require special software.
Voice Mail Test
Test the MT5634ZBAV’s voice function by using the included software
to set up the MT5634ZBAV for voice mail. Have an acquaintance call
and leave a message, then play it back.
If your modem does not play sound files in voice mode, go to Windows
Control Panel and double-click on the Multimedia icon. Under the Au-
dio tab, select Modem Wave Driver as your preferred device for both
playback and recording, then try again.
Loopback Test
1. Connect a microphone and speaker to the MT5634ZBAV. To avoid
feedback, make sure the microphone and speaker are well separat-
ed; better yet, use a headphone instead of a speaker.
2. Select Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and click
3. Double-click on the Multi-Tech BBS icon you created in “Step 5:
Call the Multi-Tech BBS.” HyperTerminal starts with the Connect
dialog box open.
4. Click Cancel in the Connect dialog box.