Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZPX-PCI Modem User Manual

72 MT5634ZPX-PCI
Owner’s Manual
Product Safety Compliance
Approved for connection to telecommunications system specified in
the instructions for use subject to the conditions set out in them.
Warning: Interconnection directly, or by way of other apparatus,
of ports marked SAFETY WARNING see instructions for use with
ports marked or not so marked may produce hazardous conditions
on the network. Advice should be obtained from a competent
engineer before such a connection is made.
It is a condition of approval that the power required by the host and the
total of all adapter cards installed within the host environment, together
with any auxiliary apparatus, does not exceed the power specification
as stated in the Technical Reference Material of the host apparatus.
The power requirements for the ZPX are:
Modem operating voltages: +12 VDC, -12 VDC, +5 VDC
Modem power consumption: 1.2 Watts
In order to maintain the independent approval of this card, it is
essential that when other option cards are introduced which use or
generate a hazardous voltage, the minimum creepages and clearances
specified in the following table are maintained. A hazardous voltage is
one which exceeds 42.4 VAC peak or 50 VDC. If you have any doubt,
seek advice from a competent engineer before installing other adapters
into the host equipment.
The equipment must be installed such that with the exception of
connection to the host, clearance and creepage distances shown in the
following table are maintained between the card and any other
assemblies which use or generate a voltage shown in that table. The
larger the distance shown in brackets applies where the local
environment within the host is subject to conductive pollution or dry
nonconductive pollution, which could become conductive due to
condensation. Failure to maintain these minimum distances would
invalidate approval.