4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
MultiModemZPX User Guide
+DS44? Reports current options in the following format:
direction, 0, 0, max_codewords_tx, max_codewords_rx,
max_string_tx, max_string_rx, max_history_tx, max_history_rx.
Example: +DS44: 3, 0, 0, 1024, 1024, 255, 255, 5120, 4096.
direction Specifies the DTE direction of the data compression.
0 No compression.
3 Compression in both directions (default).
max_codewords_tx Specifies the maximum number of code words to be negotiated
in the transmit direction.
1024 Default.
256–2048 Maximum number of code words in transmit direction.
max_codewords_rx Specifies the maximum number of code words to be negotiated
in the receive direction.
1024 Default.
256–2048 Maximum number of code words in receive direction.
max_string_tx Specifies the maximum string length to be negotiated in the
transmit direction.
255 Default.
31–255 Maximum string length in transmit direction.
max_string_rx Specifies the maximum string length to be negotiated in the
255 Default.
31–255 Maximum string length in receivedirection.
max_history_tx Specifies the maximum length of the history buffer to be nego-
tiated in the transmit direction.
5120 Default.
512–11008 History buffer size in transmit direction.
max_history_rx Specifies the maximum length of the history buffer to be nego-
tiated in the receive direction.
4096 Default.
512–11008 History buffer size in receive direction.
Command: +ES=
Enable Synchronous Buffered Mode
Values: n = 6
Default: None
Description: Allows an H.324 video application direct access to the synchro-
nous data channel. On underflow, the modem sends HDLC
flag idle (0x7E) to the remote modem.·This special error con-
trol mode is overridden by any of the following commands:
&F, &M, &Q, or \N.
+ES=6 Enables direct access to the synchronous data channel.
+ES=? Displays the allowed values.
+ES? Displays the current value.