GS700TR Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
8-4 Maintenance
v1.0, May, 2008
To display the File Upload page:
1. Click Maintenance > Upload > File Upload in the navigation tree.
Figure 8-4
Table 8-1. Upload File from Switch Fields
Field Description
File Type Specify the type of file you want to upload:
• Code: Retrieves a stored code image.
• Text Configuration: Retrieves the text configuration file startup-
• Error Log: Retrieves the system error (persistent) log, sometimes
referred to as the event log.
• Buffered Log: Retrieves the system buffered (in-memory) log.
• Trap Log: Retrieves the system trap records.
The default is Error Log.
Image Name Specify the code image to upload, either image1 or image2. This field is
only visible when Code is selected as the File Type. The factory default
is image1.
Transfer Mode Specify what protocol to use to transfer the file:
• TFTP. Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
Server Address Type Specify either IPv4 or DNS address to indicate the format of the TFTP
Server Address field. The factory default is IPv4.
Server Address Enter the IP address of the TFTP server in accordance with the format
indicated by the TFTP Server Address Type. The factory default is the
IPv4 address
Transfer File Path Enter the path on the TFTP server where you want to put the file. You
may enter up to 32 characters. The factory default is blank.