NETGEAR WNHDE111 5GHz Network Router User Manual

WNHDE111 5GHz Wireless-N HD Access Point/Bridge User Manual
2-4 Easy Secure Wireless Setup
v1.1, May 2008
The WPS button on the Wireless-N Access Point blinks while the two devices are connecting
and exchanging the security key. Upon successfully connecting, WPS button on the AP will be
on solid for about 6 minutes and then turn off. The settings page of the Wireless-N Bridge
confirms your connection.
On a NETGEAR adapter, you will notice on its settings page that WPS sent the security key
from the access point to the USB adapter. In the future, you can add more WPS enabled
wireless devices to your network just as easily.
Repeat this step for each additional WPS push button enabled device you add to your network.
You are done! It was just that easy to set up a secure wireless connection between the Wireless-N
AccessPoint/Bridge and your wireless computer.
WPS PIN Entry Setup of WIreless Clients
To enable a WPS enabled wireless client to join your network using a PIN, follow these steps.
1. Locate the WPS security PIN on the back of the unit.
2. Follow the instructions in the product documentation of your device for entering the WPS
WPS initiates the wireless connection.
Figure 2-4
WPS Security PIN