Network Technologies 8 Switch User Manual

Table 8- Commands Supported in ASCII Personalities (Cont'd)
Native Wyse ADDS TVI PC
FUNCTION Mode WY-50+ VP A2 910+/925 Term
Editing (Cont'd)
Insert line of spaces ESC E Same ENH Same Same
Delete cursor character ESC W Same ENH Same Same
Delete cursor line ESC R Same ESC l Same Same
Clearing Data
Clear page to nulls ESC * Same ENH Same Same
Clear page to spaces ESC + Same ENH
Clear page to write-protected ESC , Same ENH Same
Clear unprotected page to spaces ESC ; or CTRL Z Same ESC ; ESC ; Same
ENH or ESC +
Clear unprotected page to nulls ESC : Same ENH Same Same
Clear unprotected page to ESC .char Same ENH
a specific character
Clear unprotected page to ESC ,
protected spaces
Clear unprotected page to ESC ! attr ENH ENH
display attribute
Clear unprotected page to spaces ESC Y Same ESC k Same Same
from cursor
Clear unprotected page to nulls ESC y Same ENH Same Same
from cursor
Clear unprotected line to spaces ESC T Same ESC K Same Same
from cursor
Clear unprotected line to nulls ESC t Same ENH Same Same
from cursor
Fill page with H's ESC F
Sending data
Begin print / send at top of page ESC d' Same ENH
Begin print / send at top of screen ESC d& Same ENH
Send cursor character ESC M Same
Send line through cursor ESC 6 Same Same ESC 6
Send unprotected line through ESC 4 Same Same ESC 4
Send page through cursor ESC 7 Same ENH Same ESC 7
Send unprotected page through ESC 5 Same Same ESC 5
Mark block beginning ESC 8 Same ENH
Mark block end ESC 9 Same ENH
Send entire block ESC s Same ENH Same Same
Send unprotected ESC S Same ENH Same Same
Report terminal status ESC [
Report attribute under cursor ESC D