Network Technologies 8 Switch User Manual

Variable Values for Table 8 Commands (Cont'd)
length Multiple Length of Page
G 1xlines Equal to the number of data lines
H 2xlines Double the number of data lines
4xlines Four times the number of data lines
*b Available only in WY-50+ personality.
1 Space 25 8 49 P 73 h
2 ! 26 9 50 Q 74 i
3 " 27 : 51 R 75 j
4 # 28 ; 52 S 76 k
5 $ 29 < 53 T 77 l
6 % 30 = 54 U 78 m
7 & 31 > 55 V 79 n
8 ' 32 ? 56 W 80 o
9 ( 33 @ 57 X 81 p
10 ) 34 A 58 Y 82 q
11 * 35 B 59 Z 83 r
12 + 36 C 60 [ 84 s
13 , 37 D 61 \ 85 t
14 - 38 E 62 ] 86 u
15 . 39 F 63 ^ 87 v
16 / 40 G 64 _ 88 w
17 0 41 H 65 ` 89 x
18 1 42 I 66 a 90 y
19 2 43 J 67 b 91 z
20 3 44 K 68 c 92 {
21 4 45 L 69 d 93 |
22 5 46 M 70 e 94 }
23 6 47 N 71 f 95 ~
24 7 48 O 72 g 96 DEL/RUB
*c Native codes also recognized in WY-50+, TVI 910+/925, and PC Term personalities, and in ADDS VP A2 personality absolute
cursor addressing.
lll One- to three-decimal value of line relative to home
map Definition map Definition
1 Normal 5 Underline
2 Reverse (or blank
) 6 Underline and reverse (or blank
3 Intensity 7 Underline and intensity
4 Intensity and reverse (or blank
) 8 Underline, intensity, and reverse (or blank
*d. Colors mapped to reverse or blank depending on the setting of the Color Map setup parameter or the equivalent
escape sequences.
Max Maximum Speed
1 60 characters per second
2 No limit (default)
3 150 characters per second
message 46 characters (80 columns); 98 characters (132 columns)
mf Screen Area
mf Screen Area
0 Data area 2 Terminal message field
1 Function key label line 3 Computer message field
*e In native mode, only the reverse attribute can be assigned to the data area.