IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2
■ Local Device: FINS/TCP Server
1,2,3... 1. A request to open a connection is received in TCP/IP protocol from the re-
mote device (i.e., the client, either a personal computer, an EtherNet/IP
Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port), and the connection is established.
2. Notification is received from the remote node (i.e., the client) of the remote
node's FINS node address.
3. The local device provides notification of the local FINS node address.
4. The EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port changes the internal node
correspondence table (FINS node address, IP address, and TCP port
5. FINS messages can then be sent and received.
Setting FINS/TCP
The procedure for setting FINS/TCP connections involves the items described
below. The settings are made individually for each connection (numbers 1 to
16) on the FINS/TCP Tab Page of the Edit Parameters Dialog Box of the CX-
■ Local Device: Server
1,2,3... 1. Set the server.
2. Set IP addresses for the devices to be connected.
If the option for protection of IP addresses is selected, set the IP addresses
for clients where connections are permitted. (This step can be omitted.)
3. Automatic FINS node address allocation:
If the client (generally a personal computer) supports FINS/TCP, and if it is
to be used without setting a FINS node address, the value set here (from
239 to 254) can be allocated to the client. The default settings should nor-
mally be used.
■ Local Device: Client
1,2,3... 1. Set the client.
Personal computer or
EtherNet/IP Unit (client)
Local FINS node number A
Local IP address T
The FINS node number
is converted for each
connection number.
(1) The connection is established.
(2) The local device (such as a personal
computer) sends notification that its
FINS node number is A.
IP address
IP address
FINS node number transmission
FINS node number transmission
(3) The EtherNet/IP Unit sends notification that
its FINS node number is B.
(4) The internal node correspondence
table is changed.
(5) It then becomes possible to send
and receive FINS messages.
EtherNet/IP Unit (server) CPU Unit
Local FINS node number B
Local IP address S
Ethernet (EtherNet/IP)