Communicating between OMRON PLCs Section 8-6
8-6 Communicating between OMRON PLCs
FINS commands can be sent from the CPU Unit of a PLC by using the
SEND(090), RECV(098), and CMND(490) instructions.
SEND(090): Writes I/O data from the local node to another node.
RECV(098): Reads I/O data from another node to the local node.
CMND(490): Issues FINS commands for controlling operations such as send-
ing and receiving I/O memory data to and from other nodes, reading informa-
tion regarding other nodes, and so on.
8-6-1 Communications Specifications
The following table shows the specifications for PLC communications using
the SEND(090), RECV(098), and CMND(490) instructions.
Note 1. The maximum data length is limited to 512 bytes for data exchange be-
tween the PLC and SYSMAC LINK Systems or the PLC and SYSMAC
BUS/2 Remote I/O Systems.
2. When broadcasting, do not require a response.
Use the FINS/UDP method for broadcasting.
Item Specifications
Destination 1:1 SEND(090), RECV(098), CMND(490) instructions
1:N SEND(090), CMND(490) instructions (broadcasting)
Data length SEND(090):
990 words (1,980 bytes) max.; broadcasting:
727 words (1,454 bytes)
990 words (1,980 bytes) max.
1,990 bytes max.; broadcasting: 1,462 bytes (after FINS com-
mand code)
Data contents The following data is sent and received with the execution of
each instruction.
Sends request for remote node to receive data, and receives
response data.
Sends request for remote node to send data, and receives
response data.
Sends any FINS command and receives response data.
port number
Ports 0 to 7 (Eight transmissions can occur simultaneously.)
Response moni-
tor time
2 s (default)
0001 to FFFF:
0.1 to 6,553.5 s in 0.1-s increments (specified by user)
Number of retries 0 to 15 retries