Setting the Local IP Address Section 3-7
3-7 Setting the Local IP Address
This section describes the 3 ways to set the local I/O address of an EtherNet/
IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Method 1: Using the default IP address:
The default IP address is 192.168.250.Node_address.
(The node address is set with the rotary switches on the front of
the EtherNet/IP Unit or, for the built-in EtherNet/IP port, on the
front of the CPU Unit.)
→ This method can be used to make a temporary or preliminary
connection to the Ethernet. In this case, leave the TCP/IP Con-
figuration and the allocated DM area IP address settings at their
default values (
Method 2: Setting an IP address in the CPU Unit’s allocated DM area:
→ If you want to set a particular local IP address and store that set-
ting in the CPU Unit, set it in the EtherNet/IP Unit’s allocated DM
area. The IP address can be set from the CX-Programmer, Pro-
gramming Console, or ladder program.
Method 3: Setting the TCP/IP Configuration from the CX-Programmer:
→ If you want to set a particular local IP address and store that set-
ting in the EtherNet/IP Unit, set the IP address from the CX-Pro-
When FINS communications are being used, it is necessary to show the cor-
respondence between the IP addresses and FINS node addresses. Refer to
SECTION 5 Determining IP Addresses for an explanation of IP addresses as
well as the correspondence between FINS node addresses and IP addresses.
The three setting methods are described in the following paragraphs.
Method 1:
Using the Default IP Address (192.168.250.Node_address)
When the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port is just mounted in the
PLC and the I/O table is created, the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP
port will operate with its default IP address. This default address is enabled
when the local IP address in the allocated DM area and the TCP/IP Configu-
ration are both set to their defaults (
The default IP address is 192.168.250.Node_address, where Node_address
is the node address set with the rotary switches on the front of the EtherNet/IP
Unit. This address is also used as the FINS node address.
The following table shows the various settings in the Unit Setup when the IP
address and TCP/IP Configuration are all set to their default values.
Setting Operating status
IP address 192.168.250.Node_address
Subnet mask (class C mask)
Default gateway None (IP routing disabled)
Preferred DNS server None
Alternate DNS server None
Host name None
Domain name None
Baud rate Auto-detect