Omron CJ2M-CPU3@ Network Card User Manual

CIP Message Communications Appendix D
Example of Additional Status in case that General Status Is 01 Hex.
(Status of Connection Manager Object)
General Status
Status (hex)
01 0100 Connection in Use or Duplicate Forward Open.
01 0103 Transport Class and Trigger combination not supported
01 0106 Ownership Conflict
01 0107 Connection not found at target application.
01 0108 Invalid Connection Type. Indicates a problem with either the Connection Type or Prior-
ity of the Connection.
01 0109 Invalid Connection Size
01 0110 Device not configured
01 0111 RPI not supported. May also indicate problem with connection time-out multiplier, or
production inhibit time.
01 0113 Connection Manager cannot support any more connections
01 0114 Either the Vendor Id or the Product Code in the key segment did not match the device
01 0115 Product Type in the key segment did not match the device
01 0116 Major or Minor Revision information in the key segment did not match the device
01 0117 Invalid Connection Point
01 0118 Invalid Configuration Format
01 0119 Connection request fails since there is no controlling connection currently open.
01 011A Target Application cannot support any more connections
01 011B RPI is smaller than the Production Inhibit Time.
01 0203 Connection cannot be closed since the connection has timed out
01 0204 Unconnected Send timed out waiting for a response.
01 0205 Parameter Error in Unconnected Send Service
01 0206 Message too large for Unconnected message service
01 0207 Unconnected acknowledge without reply
01 0301 No buffer memory available
01 0302 Network Bandwidth not available for data
01 0303 No Tag filters available
01 0304 Not Configured to send real-time data
01 0311 Port specified in Port Segment Not Available
01 0312 Link Address specified in Port Segment Not Available
01 0315 Invalid Segment Type or Segment Value in Path
01 0316 Path and Connection not equal in close
01 0317 Either Segment not present or Encoded Value in Network Segment is invalid.
01 0318 Link Address to Self Invalid
01 0319 Resources on Secondary Unavailable
01 031A Connection already established
01 031B Direct connection already established
01 031C Miscellaneous
01 031D Redundant connection mismatch
01 031F No connection resources exist for target path
01 0320-07FF Vendor specific