Pandigital PRD07T10WWH7 eBook Reader User Manual

Barnes & Noble BOOKSTORE
The top Bookstore row on the Home screen displays Barnes & Noble’s current
bestselling and newest released eBooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers. This
eMedia can be purchased directly from the Barnes & Noble online bookstore directly
through your
pandigital novel.
IMPORTANT: In order to connect with your Barnes & Noble online account, the Date
and Time must be set correctly according to your location.
You must be connected to a Wi-Fi network in order to use the Barnes & Noble
Bookstore feature.
The first time you turn your pandigital novel on, the Bookstore row is
empty. Tap
Update to sync with the Barnes & Noble website.
The first time you access the Barnes & Noble bookstore, you are prompted for
your Barnes & Noble login information. Subsequent instances may still require
your Barnes & Noble password.
CAUTION: If you want to switch to a different Barnes & Noble account, you can
enter the new account login information when prompted. However, be advised that
if you switch accounts, a factory reset occurs which deletes all your personal data
Reset Defaults, pg. 41). When prompted for the factory reset, tap No to keep
the currently saved Barnes & Noble account.
Tap on any book cover in the
Bookstore row to display that book’s descriptive
information and synopsis (example below).
Tap to display newly released books Display eMagazines or eNewspapers
Tap Bookstore
launch the browser
and display the
Barnes & Noble
Tap to update
top row from
Barnes & Noble