Pandigital PRD07T10WWH7 eBook Reader User Manual

IMPORTANT: In order to connect with your Barnes & Noble online account, the Date
and Time must be set correctly according to your location.
Select Shop B&N from the Application Quick Launch Bar to log onto the Barnes &
Noble website.
Shopping directly on the Barnes & Noble website allows you to view full details
about a book, including Editorial and Customer Reviews, along with the synopsis.
Downloading Purchased Media
After purchasing books, use the Get Books feature to download them from your
Barnes & Noble online account into your pandigital novel (pg. 21).
Select My Library from the Application Quick Launch Bar to display the main Library
bookshelf screen and manage your downloaded media.
Reader Function Menu
Row 1 displays your recently viewed media (non-scrollable).
Rows 2-4 media stored in device (scrollable horizontally).
The most recent downloaded media displays in the first position. To change sort
order, tap
Title or Author (by first name).
Check for newest issues of active eMagazine or eNewspaper subscriptions.
Quick jump to other bookshelves. (Use Bookshelves function to create new