3. Operation
February 2001 3160-A2-GB21-90
Allocating Data Ports
By using the configuration options, assign a specific port to DS0 channels on
either the network interface or the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface. The
following methods are available to assign DS0 channels to the port:
– Allows a block of contiguous channels to be assigned by specifying a
data port rate and an initial DS0 channel (the first DS0 channel in a block of
DS0 channels). The number of channels assigned is determined by the port
rate. Only those initial DS0 channel numbers that provide enough bandwidth
(based on the port’s data rate) are displayed on the screen. These channels
are automatically assigned to the destination T1 interface (Network or DTE
Drop/Insert) when the initial DS0 channel is selected.
ACAMI (Alternate Channel Alternate Block Inversion)
– Allows a block of
contiguous channels to be assigned by specifying a data port rate and an
initial DS0 channel (the first DS0 channel in a block of DS0 channels).
However, with ACAMI, the number of channels assigned is twice the number
needed for the port rate. This is because with ACAMI, every alternate DS0
channel (starting with the
+1 DS0 channel), does not carry data from the
port, but instead always transmits and receives all ones.
Chan (Channel)
– Individually selects the DS0 channels to allocate to the
data port. The data port rate is automatically determined based on the number
of channels selected.
Once a port is selected, you have access to the configuration options to complete
the port allocation procedure. These configuration options enable you to,
Assign the selected port to the desired interface.
Select the desired method for channel allocation.
Select the port rate and starting channel (if the allocation method is block or
Select the specific channels (if the allocation method is by individual channel).