Paradyne SLM 5.5 Network Card User Manual

A. OLCmd Reference
January 2002 7800-A2-GB32-00
OLCmd processreports
on page A-24 Generates scheduled reports.
OLCmd snmpget
on page A-25 Gets an SNMP object.
OLCmd snmptest
on page A-26 Tests SNMP connection.
OLCmd sync
on page A-27 Synchronizes a device.
OLCmd uhread
on page A-29 Starts and stops UHReader.
OLCmd unassigndev
on page A-30 Removes a device from a customer
OLCmd viewlog
on page A-31 Displays OpenLane log files.
OLCmd xmlreport
on page A-33 Generates OpenLane reports in XML
OLCmd must be executed in the OpenLane home directory. For example (in
cd \opt\pdn\openlane
olcmd confauth on
In Windows, OLCmd can be invoked by typing
OLCmd, olcmd, OLCmd.bat
. In Solaris, only
is valid.
OLCmd Helps
All OLCmd commands accept the
parameter in lieu of other parameters. This
causes usage notes for the command to be displayed. For example, the following
command causes the available parameters of the viewlog function to be displayed:
olcmd viewlog -h