Printronix Integrated Network Interface Card Network Card User Manual

Configuration Alternatives
Configuration Alternatives
Besides the HTML forms and software provided, the NIC internal
command shell, npsh, can also be reached using Telnet, Remote
Shell, and FTP:
A TCP/IP command that helps configure NIC settings remotely. A
TCP/IP host starts a Telnet session with the print server and logs
into the device command shell to alter and view settings.
NOTE: The default User ID is root. There is no password by
default, just press ENTER. If you have changed the default
User ID and password, use the current User ID and the
associated password instead of the defaults. For more
information on setting passwords, see “NIC Security” on
page 257.
Remote Shell
A TCP/IP command that helps configure print server settings
remotely. A TCP/IP host uses this command to remotely execute a
single command on the NIC.
rsh spike list prn
This command remotely executes the npsh command list prn
on the NIC named